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Red Light Therapy Bed

[rt_retina_image auto_resize=”true” img=”4505″ img_align=”center” img_bottom_margin=”50px”][rt_heading style=”” align=”center” mobile_align=”center” size=”h5″ font_color_type=”primary” font=”” custom_font_size=”” link=”” link_open=”_self” rt_class=”rt-5800670″ punchline=”” margin_bottom=”25px”]Advanced Red LED Light Technology[/rt_heading]

Red LED Light technology provides a new service to your customers that helps them look and feel their best.

[rt_retina_image auto_resize=”true” img=”4502″ img_align=”center” img_bottom_margin=”50px”][rt_heading style=”” align=”center” mobile_align=”center” size=”h5″ font_color_type=”primary” font=”” custom_font_size=”” link=”” link_open=”_self” rt_class=”rt-6509969″ punchline=”” margin_bottom=”25px”]Full Body Exposure[/rt_heading]

It is a full body red LED light bed, allowing users to get full body treatment.

[rt_retina_image auto_resize=”true” img=”4498″ img_align=”center” img_bottom_margin=”50px”][rt_heading style=”” align=”center” mobile_align=”center” size=”h5″ font_color_type=”primary” font=”” custom_font_size=”” link=”” link_open=”_self” rt_class=”rt-8576883″ punchline=”” margin_bottom=”25px”]Adjustable Body Cooler[/rt_heading]

The Adjustable body cooling system allows users to easily adjust the fan speed to create a comfortable atmosphere throughout the session.

[rt_retina_image auto_resize=”true” img=”4507″ img_align=”center” img_bottom_margin=”50px”][rt_heading style=”” align=”center” mobile_align=”center” size=”h5″ font_color_type=”primary” font=”” custom_font_size=”” link=”” link_open=”_self” rt_class=”rt-3339024″ punchline=”” margin_bottom=”25px”]T-Max Integration[/rt_heading]

The Red light tanning bed comes standard with T-Max Integration, allowing users to easily bypass the delay time and start the session from inside the unit. With the T-Max integrated in the decoshield of the unit, the business still has control of the exposure time by having the control timer located at the front desk.

[rt_retina_image auto_resize=”true” img=”4503″ img_align=”center” img_bottom_margin=”50px”][rt_heading style=”” align=”center” mobile_align=”center” size=”h5″ font_color_type=”primary” font=”” custom_font_size=”” link=”” link_open=”_self” rt_class=”rt-6299069″ punchline=”” margin_bottom=”25px”]SoundAround with MyMP3[/rt_heading]

Add on the SoundAround with My MP3 feature to tanning bed and allow users to enjoy their own music during the session. The system easily integrates with the users cell phone or MP3 devie and plays music through the sound system.

[rt_retina_image auto_resize=”true” img=”4504″ img_align=”center” img_bottom_margin=”50px”][rt_heading style=”” align=”center” mobile_align=”center” size=”h5″ font_color_type=”primary” font=”” custom_font_size=”” link=”” link_open=”_self” rt_class=”rt-5550691″ punchline=”” margin_bottom=”25px”]LCD Timer Display[/rt_heading]

The Digital timer display allows users to start, stop and pause their session, as well as giving them the ability to control the body cooling system. The Digital Timer can be integrated with T-Max or other similar external timer systems.

[rt_retina_image auto_resize=”true” img=”4499″ img_align=”center” img_bottom_margin=”50px”][rt_heading style=”” align=”center” mobile_align=”center” size=”h5″ font_color_type=”primary” font=”” custom_font_size=”” link=”” link_open=”_self” rt_class=”rt-2041483″ punchline=”” margin_bottom=”25px”]Dual Hours Counters[/rt_heading]

The Dual Hour Counters allows business owners to review the hours on the lamps and on the equipment. The Display will show a small lamp when 50000 hours have been reached on the lamps. This allows owners to easily track lifespan on the equipment lamps.

[rt_retina_image auto_resize=”true” img=”4501″ img_align=”center” img_bottom_margin=”50px”][rt_heading style=”” align=”center” mobile_align=”center” size=”h5″ font_color_type=”primary” font=”” custom_font_size=”” link=”” link_open=”_self” rt_class=”rt-2502959″ punchline=”” margin_bottom=”25px”]Space-efficient Design[/rt_heading]

The Tanning bed is designed to be perfect addition to any business, only requiring a 8 x7ft room

[rt_heading style=”style-2″ size=”h4″ font_color_type=”” font=”” custom_font_size=”” link=”” link_open=”_self” punchline=”” margin_bottom=”0″ rt_class=”rt-4432745″]Red Light Therapy Bed Product[/rt_heading]
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